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Airbnb Expert Nicole Byerlee shares why it’s important to make committed decisions, to stay focussed, and to following through with your intentions to the end, to maximise your chances of success.

Hello, hello! Welcome to the latest newsletter. Very excited to be here with you guys and giving you a little bit of a success tip.

My success tip this week is going to be about don’t sweat the small things. Being a very busy mom, I don’t get time to really stress about things or reflect on things or spend a lot of time making a decision around things. I’ve basically got to think on the go and make a decision and roll with it.

So I wanted to chat with you today about don’t get so bogged down in all the detail and asking yourself 101 questions before you actually make a choice or a decision.

Today, I’m here with you, making that small upgrade. I’m in a hurry, I’ve got 101 other things that I’ve got to get done today. I’ve got to take off after giving you this video and go and pick up the kids from school.

So it’s all about just making the decision. Be strong about it, go with it and move on. So it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can always just deal with things afterwards. So make a decision, go with whatever it is that you’re looking at and wanting to do, and then just tweaking afterwards because you can do that.

You don’t have to have everything in place before you start something or before you go on something. You don’t have to have all your folders in a line and mark them and ready for you when you start a new project. Just get going with it.

Most entrepreneurs, they just run with things. They get an idea and they think you know what, I’ll deal with everything else, obviously, later down the track.

Let’s just get this in the pipeline and let’s start running.


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So I just wanted to share that with you today. That’s me. Busy mom making decisions on-the-run and loving it. And it was something that I had to push through. It was a barrier that I had and I just pushed through that, so that I can get a lot of stuff done. So it was certainly challenging for me but now that I’m just not worried about that anymore and definitely don’t sweat the small stuff. It makes my life a lot less stressful.

So hopefully, you guys got something out of that today. And we will hopefully see you around the tracks at some stage. Have a wonderful day!