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There are benefits of investing in websites, and Liz and Matt Raad are discussing three of those.

Liz: Hi! This is Liz and Matt Raad, and today, what we want to look at is three reasons why websites are an incredible investment for the future.

What we’re seeing in the marketplace is a very big shift. You might have heard about this even through the government. There has been a lot of concern about the digital shift and how that’s going to affect Australian employment. That’s especially going forward into the future. And how that’s going to stretch it because we’ve obviously seen this digital shift start to impact things especially drivers.

Now we’re at the advent of driver-less trucks in the mining industry. That is soon to be coming into the general car market, driver-less cars. That’s going to really revolutionize that entire industry. That’s a fairly obvious one but there are a lot of others that are less obvious. The increase in advances in artificial intelligence –

Matt: That’s the big one coming.

Liz: The big one coming. That means that we’re going to see a lot of job restructuring in traditionally very safe markets. Things like accountancy and administration and lawyers even.

Matt: Medical.

Liz: And medical. Doctors.

Matt: Doctors. And if your kids are starting medicine at uni, how is the field of medicine going to look in the next 10 years? You have to ask this. Think about how often you’ve been to a doctor. Even doctors now are Googling what your symptoms might mean.

Liz: Yes.

Matt: Well, because Google is using the computer, artificial intelligence is handling all that and artificial intelligence will have a massive impact on society in terms of traditional roles and in the legal profession. A lot of things are being outsourced and it will be outsourced to computers. Even McDonald’s are using a lot of artificial programming to work out –

Liz: Well, I mean, if you look at McDonald’s down, notice that they’ve got kiosk where you order not through the people at the desk. We’ve got even in supermarkets, you check yourself out. And in America now, Amazon and supermarkets are introducing a system where you can just walk in, type the products and they automatically scan and you don’t even have a checkout person. So, there are going to be massive changes.

Now, let’s have a look at how that is affecting the digital shift and how that affects and why that makes website investment such a smart choice going forward. And also, not just website investment, but also getting yourself educated in this digital marketplace because obviously, going forward, what the valuable jobs are going to revolve around are things that computers can’t do.

And when we talk about building websites and buying and investing in websites, that is something that’s going to take a long time before a computer can actually do that and make the decisions and make the layer of choices and things that we teach possible.

Matt: Because there are very specific strategies behind that and it’s marketing. It’s online marketing.

Liz: Understanding people, too.

Matt: So, I think the big reason why websites are such a great investment for the future, it’s absolutely no-brainer. That’s the way the human race is going. It’s a growth market. You pick any business on the planet, they need to be online in some way, shape or form. They need to be communicating with clients online. So, it’s a no-brainer to be online. Therefore, if you want to follow this wave, you need to be online.

Liz: Yes. And if you are the provider, there’s a very famous saying, I’m not actually sure who originally said it but in the gold rush, you don’t want to be the miner digging for gold. You want to be the one selling the shovels. So, that’s what we believe where we’re positioned is selling of the shovels and that’s where the gold mine truly is in this digital shift, in this digital age.

Now, the other thing that we believe makes website investment such an incredible part of your strategy going forward, an important part of your diversification is the high cashflow especially at the moment. Because this is relatively a new marketplace.

There aren’t many people who really didn’t even know this is possible. We speak to people all around Australia and overseas as well. And the majority of people have never even thought or even realize that investing in websites is something that you can do. They don’t realize that websites are assets. So, we’re looking at a market –

Matt: They don’t realize that you can own a portfolio of websites just like your portfolio of shares or real estate or businesses.

Liz: Yes. So, we’re looking at a marketplace that has a potential for phenomenal growth going forward but also at the moment, with incredibly high cashflow return. So, when we are looking at buying a website, that’s 10 to 12 times of monthly profit.

That means that if we buy that website and even do nothing to it, we’re paying it off in one year, and that’s a business asset now that we own. A cashflow asset that we own outright within one year paid off with its own profits. Often, we get them for less than that even. Or if we renovate them well which is what our strategy is all about, finding those ones that you can renovate, then we paid off even faster.

So, this is where we believe there is an incredible opportunity especially in the next five years. I think we’re going to see some incredible growth and some very high cashflow returns and some excellent opportunities to build a beautiful portfolio of online assets that generate great cashflow going forward.

So, this has been Matt and Liz and hopefully you’ve got some really good ideas and inspiration out of that and thinking about the future. We wish you a very bright success online.

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