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My name is Stuart Zadel, CEO of Zadel Property Education, and welcome to the second part of The Keys to Financial Abundance Series.

Hello and welcome! This is Stuart Zadel from Zadel Property Education with this month’s video Success Tip.

Last month, we covered the topic of desire. This is part two of the three-part series. I highly recommend you go back to the first part for it all to make sense because we are going to be covering three things that are essential for those who want to generate financial abundance or a financial surplus. It has nothing to do with knowledge, experience or money like most people would think. Interestingly, I’ve never seen someone make it that didn’t have these three things. And I’ve never seen someone who didn’t make it that wasn’t missing at least one or more of these three things.


So, today we’re going to talk about a new word and that word is “optimism.” That is the brightness of the future and expecting the good. But you know, that’s not how it is. That’s not how most people are. Many people out there are the opposite of optimistic. They are what we call “pessimistic” and you know what? You can’t blame them. You cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV or listen to the radio without seeing stories or gruesome images of war and violence and terror. It is a nasty world and a nasty planet. Many people let this (pointing to the word Pessimistic) stop them and expect the worst and that the end is coming or words to that effect.


One of my mentors at one time said to me, “Stuart, it’s always been an ugly world. A world of terror and violence and essentially, pessimism. But you can’t let that stop you from moving forward. We may not be able to do too much about that on a world scale but on an individual scale, we can do what we can do. You can’t let this stop you.” So, despite the pessimism, and war and terror, he said, “Amongst all that, there are selected few of us that create wealth, that always have created wealth.”

And why do we create that wealth? We create that wealth so that we can find out people that maybe don’t have a great lot in life and we can improve and add to their lives. This is why you create wealth. To help those that are less fortunate by those that are more fortunate or are capable to generate a surplus and make a difference with that.


So, here is the thing, many people out there are pessimistic but you can’t let that stop you. Now, the challenge is, most of our great lessons come through the challenges; come through the hard times or come through trouble or the problems. I prefer to call it challenges and that is our greatest teacher. The challenges are our greatest teachers and we have come here to learn.

So, the trick is, you can’t let pessimism to stop you, you can’t let it inhibit you. You have to do the opposite. You have to let it inspire you that when there is trouble and when there is challenges, that’s the time to get your boots on and to get going and I know that you will triumph if you will just learn and focus on the right information. So that is a very key and fundamental lesson here. In a moment I’m going to draw a scale up here for you to have a look at.


So, here is the thing, I’m not saying you’re going to change the whole world. We’re not going to change the whole world. But you know what? We can influence a few. We can influence those in our circle of influence and those in our personal life and we can make a difference – absolutely.

So, what I want you to think about right now, I want you to think about a scale again from 1 to 10 and where do you sit on that scale. Are you highly pessimistic or are you highly optimistic? The trick is, you have to be optimistic enough to take action, to believe that better results are possible and to continually move forward. Now, the good news is, even if you are pessimistic or highly pessimistic, optimism is a learned skill. The first thing you can do is to get around those that are a little bit more optimistic than you. But it’s definitely a learned skill and there is such a thing as learned optimism. You absolutely can do it. You can start firstly by focusing on the things that you do want and not the things you don’t want.

So, I’m going to leave it there for now, we’re going to come back for the part 3 next time and I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

This is Stuart Zadel, to your optimistic success.

Watch all three videos in The 3 Keys to Financial Abundance Series.

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