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How do you integrate Space Medicine into your renovation? Rapid Renovation Expert Naomi Findlay shares one of her secrets.

Hey guys! Naomi Findlay here, Australia’s Rapid Renovation Expert. Today, I want to share with you one of my top styling tips.

So, we all know that one of the most important thing in creating massive spaces is integrating Space Medicine at every step of the way. One of the key ways that you can do that is actually to bring nature in each and every space that you have.

Now, lots of people struggle when they’re not living in the property or when maybe tenanted or when they’re renovating remotely. So, they’re not only renovating in the state that they’re in to have fresh flowers and natural foliage in there.

So, I want to show you today just a super quick tip. You guys can see just over my shoulder here. This is standard, common Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. I think it’s also on a technical name Sansevieria. You can also say it Sansevieria trifasciata. But long and short, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. Now, guys, they pretty much grow all around Australia and once they get started, they multiply like weeds.

The best part of it is you can actually cut those leaves and put them in water. These ones have been here for around probably four or five weeks now. And so, if you’re putting up property to market or you want it getting valued and you’re not going to be around, cut some of these leaves, pop them in some water, pop a teaspoon of bleach into that water so you never have to worry about stinky flower or water, and you will have a living sculpture and some nature integrated into your space for the entire time that property is on the market.

So, get to it! Go find a friend or go find some in your yard Sansevieria or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. They are phenomenal to be used when you are styling a property for sale, rent or valuation. See you guys!

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