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Tim Ferriss is best known for his book The 4-Hour Workweek, where he is quoted as saying “Win the morning, win the day”.

In the book, Tim explains that by starting with five very specific morning rituals, it sets him up for “positive momentum and fewer distractions,” ultimately helping him “win the day.”

Here are 6 things Tim likes to accomplish in the first 60 to 90 minutes of an ideal day.

#1 – Don’t Use The Snooze

Okay, hands up, how many of you are guilty of using the snooze button on your alarm when you wake up in a morning? Yep, I thought so…

There are plenty of people out there that will set their alarm for a certain time, and literally hit the snooze button 8 – 10 times before actually waking up and getting out of bed.

But why? Why not just set their alarm for around an hour later, or why not just get up when they initially set their alarm to go off in the first place?

By using the snooze button, your brain doesn’t know whether it’s asleep or awake. This impacts your productivity, it can hinder your cognitive health, and it can put you in a bad mood and promote negative feelings and emotions.

#2 – Count Your Blessings

Without sounding too cliché, each and every single day that we wake up is a blessing.

Life is a precious gift that we should cherish, yet many people choose to focus on negativity instead.

Rather than focussing on everything that is wrong in your life, instead, take the time to focus on what is right in your life… so count your blessings and seize the day.

In a morning, take control of your emotions and focus on everything that is good in your life. Don’t wake up and instantly start stressing about meeting that deadline, or paying those bills, instead, find something that gives you happiness and focus on that.

By controlling your mornings and counting your blessings, you’re helping to get your head in the game for the rest of the day, which is only a good thing.

#3 – Schedule Time For Learning

If you want to be successful, self education is essential.

What you learn about will depend on how you want to be successful. If you’re looking to start a business, set aside time each morning to learn something that will benefit you and your new business.

If you want to lose weight, schedule time in a morning to learn about what to eat and drink to lose weight, and to learn which forms of exercise to do to get in shape.

Even if you learn just one fact each day, you’ll still be that little bit more enlightened. ​


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#4 – Exercise EVERY Morning
Exercising in a morning helps improve circulation, it will wake up your brain, it will get your blood pumping and the adrenalin flowing, and the long-term health benefits are indescribable.

Best of all, by exercising early in a morning, you get it out of the way nice and early, so no matter what, you’ve achieved something positive for that specific day.

#5 – Create A Success List

Finally, the last thing you should in a morning if you want to be successful, is take the time to create a success list.

A success list (also referred too as a to-do list), serve as very important motivational tool in the pursuit of achieving your goals, and your ultimate success.

In addition, the benefits you get from ‘checking off your wins’ throughout the day, can add huge value to building a positive, healthy and wealthy mindset.

#6 – Write In A Journal

The final suggestion involves journaling, which can be done in one of two ways.

Option number one is the Five-Minute Journal, which allows you to identify your achievements as well as your blessings in life. It’s something Tim refers to as “therapeutic intervention,” as it makes him a happier, more contented person.

Option number two is the powerful Morning Pages process. Writing out these three pages enables you to take any anxiety you feel and “trap it on the page” so you can go about your day with a clear and positive mind.

By taking time every morning to write your thoughts down, no matter which method you choose, you can start your day on a more positive note.

To Your Success

PS. Remember to check out how Queensland mother of 2, Nicole and hubby Aaron, got paid $323,000 by Airbnb in their first 12 months, using other people’s properties… and importantly, how you can too! Check It Out Here