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Do you have too much time to too little time? Do you have too much to do on so little time? Stuart Zadel a work productivity secret.

Right now, I’m standing at the side of my local car wash here and somewhere in the back there, my car is in there to be washed and this time it’s actually detailed a little bit.

Now, I want to talk to you about, do you have too much to do and too little time?

Well, there are so much rhetorical questions these days, isn’t it? All of us are hassled, all of has have too much to do and too little time to do it in. And because of that, we’re not performing to our optimum.

So, I’m going to give you a little tip that I thought about being here today. So, just my normal standard wash and vacuum here inside the car costs 40 bucks. Now, a lot of people might be tempted to wash their cars themselves and if you enjoy that, great. Go ahead and knock yourself out.

However, in terms of time management, in terms of doubling your income and in the same amount of time, if that’s something you ever wanted to do, here is the key tip. What you need to do is work out the hourly rate that you want to achieve. So, you work out, what is my income for the year? If it’s a hundred grand or if it’s 200 grand.

And then, work that back to like 40 hours a week or actually work it back to the number of hours you want to work. And you’re going to end up with a figure. That figure might be – listen, my time worth $50 an hour or my time is worth $80 an hour or my time is worth $30 an hour whatever it is.

Then, what you do is you must have the discipline to then seize doing anything that is lower that dollar amount. So, if your time is worth $50 an hour, you need to stop doing old tasks that you can pay somebody else to do for less than $50 an hour. In this case, $40 to get your car wash. Now, that might not be an hour but, while this is being washed, I’m sitting in this café here with my lovely herbal tea and I’m at work. I am being productive.

Now, I will lose that time if I will wash the car myself. Now, look, I like doing manual repetitive boring things like washing up. I know it’s crazy. I love ironing. It’s actually where I do a lot of my thinking but also, it’s a delaying mechanism for many and even a sabotage pattern for many as well. So, I’m very conscious on when or how I do that.

But in terms of this instance today, I don’t like washing my car. I like it to be clean and nice and I like to be productive also. So, it actually makes me more money to pay someone else to wash my car. Traditional mentality, certainly my family’s mentality is do everything yourself and they’re actually keeping themselves below their potential. And in many cases in poverty so to speak.

Anyway, that’s the success tip for today. Work out what is the hourly rate you want to earn every year and every week for the amount of hours you wish to work and then seize activities that you can pay somebody else to do that are less than that.

That’s actually gold.

That’s the secret to doubling your time and having your time at work.

I hope you put that one to use and I’ll catch you next month.

This is Stuart.

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